Greetings and May Peace Be Upon Us.
The MSSH has now been in existence since 1993, as the year goes by, we can see the interest in the art and science of Surgery of the Hand in Malaysia has grown leaps and bounds. We are lucky to have great teachers and mentors, but seeing the numbers of Hand Surgeons to population ratio, more efforts need to be put in to create the interest not only amongst doctors but also amongst the therapist and paramedics, to create the “Hand Team” and not to forget the patients, they play an important part of the team.
Creating awareness amongst public and the Non-Hand Surgeons that “Hand is an Organ” also play an important milestone to achieve greater heights in caring for the disease of the hand and upper limb. Saving the upper limb is saving the patients livelihood.
We now live in the “World without Borders”, collaborative effort with our ASEAN neighbours, sharing knowledge and experience so that we did not make the same mistakes are also a catalase in the quest of knowledge and experience. Not to forget our good relationship with KSSH, APFSSH and IFSSH. Our sister MSHT (Malaysian Society for Hand Therapy) also plays an important roles in this collaborative efforts.
May all the efforts of MSSH committees and members play and important roles and milestones in the future development of the art and science of surgery of the hand.
Thank you, God Bless.
Malaysian Society for Surgery of the Hand (MSSH)